- --for this sale US shipping is free. if you're outside the US and still interested, feel free to private plurk me and we can figure out the deets!
- --i'll send a pp to get any personal details, like email address, shipping address and the like with Square.
- -- also apologies if i send a message and don't remember you offhand if we've done business before
and as a reminder I do have other options for items on my website
and if that's not an option for you but you'd still like to support i have a
tip jar zodiac bowls with lid $20
i have one of each of the following:

this bowl is taken

this bowl is taken

this bowl is taken

this bowl is taken
the last one is a dual color silver/gold that i'm still painting in!
zodiac care bear keychains $13
i only have one of each color posted
again i have only one of each.
i have a few in the same color but different designs, so please c/p the pic or be specific with which direction it is facing/etc when you claim one, thanks!

I have 2 of this style/color

2 in this style

2 in this style
as always if you comment or replurk, i'm more than grateful! ask any questions you might have as well.
that's everything i have for now, so comments are open now. thanks a bunch!
i work overnight the next few nights so if you don't get a response during the day, it's likely that i'm sleeping. i'll respond asap, promise!

This guy for me, when I get paid somewhere between Wed-Fri this week plz? 👀
Hey, so understanding I don’t know your process at all and this question might be a hell no, I’m going to shoot my shot anyway. What are the odds of requesting one of the moth necklaces in a different colorway? I’d also love this little ghostie and am happy to pay for both now and wait for them to be shipped together OR
just do the ghost now and keep an eye out for more moths later if you get a feeling to do them again! But I’d love this ghost from your current offerings!!
nnngh I wish I could buy, I'm so tempted, but I'm currently paying off an ambulance bill so.... for now I can only replurk. but pls know I'm sad about it and love your stuff dhcbdjsf
sisterling: don’t despair too much, darling. they do sales regularly enough you can probably slide into another in the future!

any chance I could get this? Probably Friday when I’ve got a little extra cash but it’s so pretty!!

can I get this one?
the insides of a few of the bowls
loyalwolf: I got you! i'll mark it off and send a pp later.
stickyholograms: no worries about the question! i can't do it right now only because i'm getting ready for another fair and those tiny buggers are a bit tricky to get right. but i can absolutely mark off the ghost from the current options! i'll shoot you a message later!
sisterling: no rush or worries, darlin! they are right, i do these fairly often and you can always shoot me a plurk to ask about things whenever you're ready. you take care of yourself.
dyads: got it! i'll mark it off and send a pp later.
MomeMordrid: absolutely! i'll mark it off and send a pp later.
dyads: and thank you for the compliment as well that one was done on a whim and i wasn't sure how it was going to turn out
Ty love
dyads: would you be able to send me a pp with your name and email info? it won't let me. ty
messages should be sent to most everyone, so consider this a morning bump! again if i don't respond during the day, i'm an overnight worker aka vampire lmao
or I will do it when I’m back on my computer because I’m not able to on my phone pffft
shesays_: I decided not to go with one of the bowls and got a care bear zodiac instead but that was one I was eyeing if I DID so I’m just here to be like “yes, good, excellent choice”

dyads: no worries, thank you!
everything should be updated here and pp sent. consider this your evening bump!
I am interested in the zodiac bowls. Will you post an update for the silver/gold one when the paint job is completed? I'm waffling between that one or one of the other unclaimed ones.
Mewberries: I can, yes! I have been working so I have finished it quite yet.
No worries! Take your time and thanks so much. I'll keep an eye out for it.
just a quick update that i'll be working on packaging things up tomorrow after work/sleep to get what's already been paid for out on friday. don't worry if you haven't paid yet, i'll likely get those out on monday after the weekend. thanks everybody! consider this your evening bump lol
Omigosh that is gorgeous! I would love to grab that bowl please!
hiya everybody, i'll be getting out the last orders tomorrow and the next day, but i'm going to go ahead and close this sale. thanks everyone for the support
reporting back that I'm very pleased with the box I got, too! \o/
and there were some extra little goodies, which was very thoughtful
i'm excited to get mine!!
I got mine.... at some point over the weekend I think?! days blur on the nightshift, i know you already know~ lmaooo it's so cute, i love him
yay i'm so glad that everyone has theirs so far or they are on the way!
i have shipped out the last ones today and updated tracking on invoices and in pp
8 months ago @Edit 8 months ago
Hey friend-o. (NOT seeking replacement or anything but—) I just wanted to let you know that I lost my lil carebear guy and it looks like maybe it came undone from the lil hook-y piece on the keychain
I’m bummed obviously, but idek exactly when or where I even lost him so it’s def on me. But I just wanted you to know, so maybe there’s a better way to secure them in the future! 💖
oh no! I can absolutely still replace him. I haven't had that happen before, but I can look into securing them differently
if you don't mind giving me a couple of weeks, I can do it. I have a fair coming up this weekend and next so I don't know if I'd be able to get him finished before I drive out
Aww, really? you're so sweet!! 😭 i totally wouldn't mind waiting at all.
If it's the kind of hardware I'm thinking of (the small eye hooks that screw into the charm itself) I've also had those "unscrew" on me basically and the charm come loose or fall off. I think it's just the nature of "item is jangling freely/bumping into things/twisting slightly" but I've been able to fix it by dabbing a little bit of E6000 or gorilla glue
or any glue really into the hole and then screwing it back in and letting it sit. That seems to keep it from coming loose quite as easily.
loyalwolf: absolutely! i'll get working on it after i get back from these fairs so i can send it back out!
Mewberries: it is that! which is frustrating to hear but thank you for the advice! i have some uv resin that might do the trick
you're so sweet ;_; worth the wait, your work is so good
No problem! Best of luck!
My co-worker found himmm. I bet I can fix it when I get him back tomorrow
Apparently he fell off in the parking lot. I’m shocked it didn’t get run over
Right?! 😭 I’m so glad she found him