2 weeks ago
things i want for eliot at some point: for him to adopt just the scraggliest, most cursed-looking cat. pic related https://images.plurk.com/6El6mALZiRJCL9b9AXfjKU.jpg
latest #12
2 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/4ofufOZflk1Yfo7GXiSS8p.jpg like tell me he wouldnt bring this thing home and call it his child
2 weeks ago
Omg. Yes.
2 weeks ago
i want him to just steadfastly refuse to admit that his cat looks like something that got pulled out of the underside of a vacuum cleaner
illin' klorvus
2 weeks ago
oh my god
illin' klorvus
2 weeks ago
quentin: so here's all the reasons why outside cats are fine in duplicity
illin' klorvus
2 weeks ago
actually i bet his mom would only allow them to have outdoor cats
eliot please
huaisang puts a bow on it to try and make it ... less awful
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
shockvaluecola: you want to set sewer cat loose on an unsuspecting populace??
illin' klorvus
2 weeks ago
Better that than their house
2 weeks ago
"quentin, this is our child. our precious baby. i'm not putting her out there with all the sex beasts"
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