any interest from RS' CR in having to exorcise a ghosty from him? he has a slight "too easily possessed" issue,,
latest #21
1 months ago
rs surrounded by an unholy aura of the damned and he's like "i'm having a house party, get over it"
1 months ago
"there's like seven guys in here we're having a grand time"
his current advantages include "being a lich, so only his phylactery is actually vulnerable to damage", recently-obtained contact-telepathy, and the fact that a harmless ghosty (Kul Elna) is willing to try to fetch people to help
if only these evil spirits weren't hostile! he's not used to them being hostile to him
but there's at least one that's mimicking Kul Elna and repeating everything he's ever fucked up in his ear and it's like. "I know you're not the real Kul Elna, because they can't talk - fuck no stop reminding me why they can't talk"
I'm thinking eventually he's getting some kind of salt-necklace
tbh I'm not sure how one would go about getting the ghost out to begin with tho, like. do you stab the body with something iron until the invader exits the premises (since that wouldn't kill RS currently)? do you just throw salt at RS until the ghosty(s) exit??
1 months ago
1 months ago
what if ryou tries to help and then just transplants the ghost into himself by accident
1 months ago
like the ghost is moving to a better apartment
1 months ago
RS: ...damn they right tho
oh nooo XD
Bakura Stop Getting Possessed Challenge
(...which Bakura? yes)
1 months ago
All of The Above
1 months ago
lol Altair shaking his head at the two of them. How about neither of you get possessed?
1 months ago
he has no experience exorcising ghosts
thot crimes
1 months ago
.......raises hand
gonna see if I can brain a TL for this after dark tonight :>
I slept for like 10 hours instead...
ok it took me forever but I wrote his TL!!
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