character dads...
latest #30
i'm preparing to ignore this stupid holiday entirely but lol at this considering my muselist
ryouma is the only one who really has a positive relationship with his father
his mother died when he was very young and so he was raised by his older sister and his father and they were about as close as a child could be with their father at that time
he was the baby and also weird af so his father used to worry about him and say that he wasn't sure if ryouma would grow up to be a dragon (he was the one who named him ryouma) or a house cat lol
when he died everyone thought ryouma was being inappropriate because he didn't really seem sad at all but then at night after that people reported weird sounds because he went out where no one could find him and yelled about it
arthas famously murdered his own father after returning to lordaeron after he took up frostmourne and it ate his soul and corrupted him and that cutscene back in the day was the coolest shit ever ok
fun fact if you stand in the throne room and turn everything down but the ambience you can hear the cutscene play out in whispers and the blood is on the floor
but terenas was like... not a bad dude he was just unfortunately in the way of evil plots beyond comprehension
he really loved arthas a lot tbh because he even speaks gently to him after he's been a ghost trapped inside a cursed sword for a long time
got distracted by someone's weird take in discord... lol ANYWAY
i just want to talk about asriel for a sec because it's established he's not a great father lmao
he made sure lyra was as safe as she could be and he also stayed away, which was arguably for the best
becaue the man does not know how to engage on that level
he can't do feelings or sentiment
also that part where he's willing to murder his daughter's best friend for progression
he loved her he just didn't know how to do that in a healthy way or express it properly rip
also in more arthas things
in the book he tends to complain more than anything else lol
which makes some sense since we are seeing him as a kid growing up
but he always feels underappreciated or he kinda sorta blames terenas and uther for sheltering him too long and not starting him in paladin training earlier
which is important because he feels like if he'd been trained from a young age he could've saved invincible
it all goes back to horse
he does not love his father like he loves that horse lmao
he simultaneously sought approval from the father figures in his life (because you gotta acknowledge uther and muradin in this) and took it really badly whenever anyone disagreed with him or questioned him
he feels like he was working hard for their approval (debatable) and they STILL won't give him credit
some of this is valid and some of this is entitlement
like we know terenas wasn't perfect by any means since he was prepared to force calia to marry daval prestor against her will
and only changed his mind because as it turns out daval prestor was deathwing
like that wasn't out there at that time but daval prestor was sus af
but arthas saw how that played out and lol didn't help
also the whole orc camp business was also bad
durnholde sucked!! he knew about this!! didn't do anything to stop it
but you can point fingers at a lot of alliance leadership in that time and arthas saw no issues with durnholde until thrall escaped
it's more like terenas isn't a saint but he still didn't deserve any of it because his kid sucks worse : ' )
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