is the Growing Together expansion pack fun or annoying to play with? it's on sale so I was thinking of getting it; but then I tried googling if there was anything wrong with it and the search results were just. gibberish basically. so has anyone here played with it?
for the record, there are two packs I have refused to get: Eco Living, because it adds the obnoxious neighborhood voting thing, and Werewolves because they will autonomously shred furniture. both seem too irritating to be worth it to me...
the game store says something interesting about Growing Together adding "interests"? is that anything fun?
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
the wiki makes this expansion look pretty boring actually. the "interests" are just stuff like "do they enjoy 'small talk' or 'flirting'" and "do they like 'homebody' personalities or 'rascal' personalities" I thought they were bringing back stuff like "they like to talk about ghosts" and such
conversation topic interests haven't been a thing since sims 1, I think?? :/a
I wish they'd bring that back, it gave some nice flavor