3 weeks ago
I'm getting so much better at not arguing on social media but just unfollowing instead.
latest #8
3 weeks ago
a wise choice
Squeak =^..^=
3 weeks ago
Ceejay Writer
3 weeks ago
It's hard not to argue with people who are clearly imbecils.
3 weeks ago
There’s a certain arrogance in the belief one can fix crazy or stupid.
Stereo Nacht
3 weeks ago
Good for you! I still argue sometimes, but I pick my battle. Usually, I argue against transphobic people, and those who support the lies of the right (in Canada; we are still a year away from election, probably our right-party will get elected anyway, but they have to be as weak a government as possible, so they won't be able to do as they please).
3 weeks ago
Robert A. Heinlein — 'Ignorance is curable, stupid is forever.'
Stereo Nacht
3 weeks ago
True, Mr. GingoGumbo and Kamilahhauptmann , but I can't help but think at those who may be swayed by their "arguments" if there are no opposing ones. It's about those who havent's developed a set idea more than those I actually argue against.
1 weeks ago
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