imma get to tagbacks once it's dark here. in the meantime, some plotting for the ghosty-event!
latest #56
Foo: I continue to not have plans for her, but I feel like she oughta do something :|a
RS: I'M NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH HIM EITHER but! he intersects with the subject matter of the event more directly than Foo, at least
namely, we're about to be overrun by evil spirits.

guess what RS still thinks of himself (and Kul Elna) as.
he never had the "but preying on my own kind tho" reaction to eating people because by the time he thought of himself as a people he was already used to the diet.

he is unprepared to fight against evil spirits.

he'll do it, these evil spirits are blatantly hostile to His People, but he is not ready for this.
also his exhibit in the Multiversal Museum is full of talismans designed to protect evil spirits, so that's no way it's not gonna be hella haunted. the talismans may not actually do anything for the spirits - who knows how magic works in Ryslig - but they'll def be attracted to the Vibes I'm thinking.
also there's the small issue of Kul Elna super still looking like they're part of the invasion force...
2 months ago
the true resolution to the event is all the ryslig ghosties getting subsumed into kul elna
oh nooo XD
2 months ago
rs followed everywhere by this writhing sea of damned souls and he's just like "eh, they made friends, leave 'em be"
finally the sun has set! I may now commence Doing
rechecking the ghosties info, & sure enough possessing people is a thing... GUESS WHO IS ALSO SUPER EASY TO POSSESS

Ryou no
RS actually
I mean maybe Ryou too
Grimmkitty is Ryou gonna have "I'm lonely in my head tho,," problems like RS does,
because every time RS has gotten taken over by some bodysnatcher it has been An Issue that Actually He Likes It
2 months ago
he's likely to get over it sooner than later, he's just been so used to having A Presence in his head that he associated as a positive (SHE WAS NOT) that he's jonesing to fill the gap with someone else's presence.
2 months ago
2 months ago
it's a little problematic that he chose RS but they care about each other and SO...xD
oh noo XD
I was just thinking in terms of the upcoming player plot tho, like. some of the haunts incoming can possess folks.
despite them not being a positive thing RS is gonna have trouble resisting that kind of ghosty
2 months ago that situation it would be really funny if ryou's like "bro you have a host right here stop being weird"
lol ye XD;;
2 months ago
and then ofc he'd be like " i a bad landlord then?" because WE KNOW HIM
noooo, Ryouuu XD
RS just never got past the idea "I am an entity that lives in somebody else's head" so it's kinda real easy for other things to step in as "Mine Now"

he slips into the backseat too easily...
which you wouldn't think would be an issue, given how the anime framed shit, but like. Ryou was the one driving more often than not in the manga. RS only stepped up for select occasions like card games.
if duel links focused on daily life instead of the card game, we woulda gotten Ryou before RS
but like, in the anime, that iconic steak scene with RS. in the manga it's Ryou eating, he's just stoned out of his mind on the Rod's painkilling ability.
2 months ago
yeah lol. i always thought it was funny they made it RS going whole hog on the steak for the anime
2 months ago
the whole point is that ryou's so out of it he doesn't even look like he gets he's eating. just doin the thing cuz he has to
I wish they'd gotten into what on earth Ryou thought about that tournament, because he was the one who wandered into the stadium with the locator cards going "hai guys, I got all these things lol, I don't even know how. anyway, wanna poke my wound Joey? 8]"
like, how exactly did RS manage to frame wtf was going on
even despite waking up in the middle of another Shadow Game, the next time we see Ryou he's worried about finding the Ring,,
"why would Yugi hide it from me? that was mean :<"
gee Ryou, who knows
2 months ago
honestly i have headcanons about how attracted he was by the ring, and all the reasons around why he kept it/kept seeking it out when he "lost" it
2 months ago
but as for why he was acting all weird during Battle City, i blame that on the ring scrombling him lol
tbf RS had some help at the time from Mr Literal Mind Control, so. Ryou was undoubtedly pretty scrombled, ye.
2 months ago
IN CASE YOUR CURIOUS: i figure ryou is extremely sensitive to the supernatural, weak to it and attracted to it. But he also feels a sense of responsibility for the Ring. He saw what it does to people who it doesn't "belong" to. he had to keep it.
ah, that does make some sense :0a
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
I can def see him, even if he repressed the specifics of Dad Finds The Ring Night, recalling that other people messing with "his" Ring is Bad For Everyone
2 months ago
2 months ago
even moreso after monster world
2 months ago
who else was going to take this liability?
2 months ago
it's not even like yugi took it once the campaign was over, these teenage dipshits left it with him xD
2 months ago
domino city, ladies and gentlemen
"it fell under the table, surely that has now been Dealt With Forever :]"
two weeks later: "OMG Ryou what are you doing with the Ring again D:"
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
...iirc it wasn't even the whole friend group that was worried the first time the Ring reappeared, it was mainly Jou and Honda
2 months ago
2 months ago
he still considers yugi his bestie and anzu is the friendship queen what is this
at least Yugi has the excuse of being able to trust his murder-ghost... but Anzu why
"well eventually he tried to kill Kaiba once. but I had a talk with him and everything else has been fine :]"
"and Kaiba tried to murder all of us a buncha times, I'm still friends with him, so!"
Kaiba "I am not your friend >:["
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
no one in Domino is sane
2 months ago
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