3 months ago
We have fireflies in our yard and we sat on the patio and watched them for half an hour last night.
latest #13
3 months ago
We do too! I did the same thing this past weekend when I was home alone.
Many mistakes
3 months ago
all the way
3 months ago
I've had fireflies here sometimes! You'd think I would have seen them more in the sem-rural community I grew up in, but I'll take what I can get.
3 months ago
bifrostdefender - oh that sounds so good! It was so lovely to see them. We never used to have fireflies in our yard but as we've been leaving the leaves over the years we've gotten more and more!
3 months ago
mistakesweremade: it was really cool
3 months ago
anothersadsong: that sounds great! Isn't it weird how things don't meet your expectations sometimes? Maybe the climate is better for them where you are!
all the way
3 months ago
That could be! I will admit that it took me an embarrassingly LONG time to figure out what they were.
3 months ago
It's hard to recognize what we haven't seen before!
all the way
3 months ago
That's true and probably why my brain also short-circuited when I saw coyotes.
3 months ago
Coyotes look so weird! They're an uncanny valley canine!
all the way
3 months ago
Much bigger than I was led to believe, honestly.
3 months ago
And they've got a lot of Presence so they feel even bigger.
all the way
3 months ago
Animals! So cool and sometimes scary!
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