Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
I deserve a cookie for not arguing with any of these people who think apartment buildings are undesirable
latest #62
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
Especially apartments where people might... dry their laundry on the balcony?
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
Ask Riverview is... special
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
And apparently people think having apartment buildings makes a town no longer "A great place to grow"
2 months ago
People are stupid
2 months ago
(also how many of these people specificing this are 55 and older?)
2 months ago
Apartment buildings are great
2 months ago
Honestly, I think for a lot of people, apartments, condos and townhouses make more sense than a single standalone house, because you really don't need much space if your household is just one or two people
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
Apartment buildings ARE great
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
And having had to FIND an apartment in this town in the past year... yes, Boomer, more damn apartment buildings ARE in fact what this town needs
Sad Dad
2 months ago
One perk of a condo/townhouse/apartment is not having a lawn to mow lol
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
We're hoping to buy before Gav starts kindergarten, but we're really just looking for a townhouse
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
One bedroom for us, one for him and one to use as an office since I WFH
Sad Dad
2 months ago
That sounds awesome
To be fair, apartments tend to lower housing prices because more people can live in smaller spaces
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
that's the theory anyway
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
I want to know where these people think we'd put the single family houses to hold the same number of residents as these buildings and whether they think everyone can afford one
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
House prices are much lower here than in Toronto but they've still been climbing
2 months ago
;__; I'm trying to find somewhere to live in Freddy and it's. Not. Going well.
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
Weirdly the baby was almost a bigger issue than the cats even though banning children if it's not a 55+ building is in fact illegal
2 months ago
that's... weird as shit?
2 months ago
But landlords have gone nuts in NB lately because Higgs lets them do what they want.
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
I've been hearing a lot of people say they have NEVER seen as many places ban kids in rentals as they see in Moncton/Riverview
Blue Emus
2 months ago
Having an apartment means I can live close to all the things I want to live close to, AND never have to garden!
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
Which checks out for me, most places seem to realize family status is very much a category you are not permitted to discriminate on
Blue Emus
2 months ago
Also: less to clean!
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
But for whatever reason Moncton landlords don't think the law applies to them
2 months ago
I don't want a big yard and big detached house. A townhouse/row house/condo I actually would be nice tho.
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
blueflowers: See, I would like to garden! I tried to garden on my balcony in Toronto. But it's low on my priority list
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
The rest of the yard maintenance sounds blech but GARDENING I like
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
So I get a plot in my dad's garden :-P
Blue Emus
2 months ago
I am the opposite, I hate gardening haha
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
He actually put a new plot in that's narrower so Gavin can help in a couple years
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
He's VERY excited about it :-P
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
I should clarify that it's a vegetable garden :-P
2 months ago
2 months ago
but yeah I am just. sick of renting buy an apartment, townhouse, whatever? I do want community and I want to be able to paint my walls, hang whatever. etc
I think that as long as the walls are good and the HOA isn't too intrusive
Then apartments/condos are a good idea
My mom bought this condo with the intention of me inheriting it, almost 2 years ago now. She kept looking at stand-alone houses and I kept being like, no, look, we do not need to have to deal with lawn care and external maintenance and snow removal.
NIMBYs are fucking wild. Oh nooooo people might be able to afford to live in the area again, people who might work ~service and retail jobs~ oh nooooooo
If you want a local economy, people have to be able to live in the area, that should be obvious but lol
It’s a huge problem in the USA too
2 months ago
yes it is
2 months ago
what's NIMBY mean?
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
Not In My Back Yard
2 months ago
ah thank you
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
it's bonkers in Toronto too, 75% of the city is still zoned single family housing. in the biggest city in the country
2 months ago
Dear NIMBYs, if t
you want the property tax increases you're eternally complaining about to be less steep, then you want greater density. You know what gets you density? Apartment buildings. Low to mid rise. Infilled into your neighbourhood
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
it's not even a quiet residential neighborhood
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
most of the area is commercial
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
it's basically optimal for density
2 months ago
And there we have it. It always seems to boil down to People Not Like Them might move into the hypothetical buildings once you pare away logical possibilities
2 months ago
I will say that the people who are arguing against apartments being built on an old tennis court next to the Child's future school have my support... but not because I care about their sight lines. I support it because the proposal is a land swap that would give the deeply undersized school more land.
2 months ago
It was K-6 when Saint's sister went there. Now it's K-6 with a portable and the board trying to figure out if there's any way to redraw cachement zones with minimal parental howling.
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
oh this is TOTALLY about the town not being completely white anymore
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
also my dad DID engage and suggested they might want to move up one of the outlying villages if they don't want apartment buildings to exist
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago
also I should note that the buildings in question are going to be six storeys
2 months ago
uuuuuugh Pele
2 months ago
lmao six stories, oh no,
racist NIMBYs are the saddest.
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