6 months ago
GOD I hate tornado sirens. I hated the warning siren that was on top of the Jai-Alai building that tested weekly, too - Civil Air Patrol? Something in case Cuba was invading? It stopped decades ago, thankfully.
latest #26
6 months ago
Tornado siren tests on Tuesdays, guess what time. [/wry]
6 months ago
We had them on Wednesdays where I was in Wisconsin, they're ssoooooo eerie. Especially when it's foggy out.
6 months ago
Isn't there a horror/suspense game that evokes that very thing?
6 months ago
There's no such thing as a hurricane siren. Hurricanes are relatively slow, and really really obvious, so you just watch the weather reports obsessively instead.
6 months ago
Tanarian: Silent Hill is what it reminded me if, but I don't think there were actually sirens in 1&2
Bookworm says
6 months ago
Tanarian Yes - there's a creepypasta/game thing called Siren Head.Siren Head
6 months ago
That's it!
6 months ago
I've heard of Silent Hill, too.
Stereo Nacht
6 months ago
Heh. Ms. Bookworm and I thought of the same thing, at the same time! (There are many videos, I was trying to find the original.)
6 months ago
We have a short siren test every saturday around noonish.
6 months ago
What's your siren for?
6 months ago
That siren is for everything. fire alarm, catastrophy, war. It's just different sounds then, which I have no idea which is which.
6 months ago
But in parallel we have that warning app too, and they test it quite often now.
6 months ago
In the US, it might be different in perhaps smaller communities, and/or places with volunteer fire departments, but first responders' sirens are usually on their vehicles only. Tornado sirens need to reach people out in the fields (lots of farming around me).
6 months ago
Fire siren usually only going to call in the fire department volunteers.
6 months ago
Thankfully we had no catastrophy or war alarm so far.
6 months ago
I haven't heard a tornado siren in years. I think they dropped that institution here.
6 months ago
And we do get tornados.
6 months ago
We have the air raid sirens going the first Monday of the month at noon. The first few times freaked me out now I’m used to it.
I remembered having them in JHS & HS except we had to put our heads down on our desks. No idea how that would’ve helped us if a bomb exploded.
6 months ago
Wouldn't if you are talking about an atomic bomb. There's nothing that can safe you. They would be over here in minutes. Alarm probably wouldn't go off in time, at all.
6 months ago
And if there was an "conventional" war attack? I don't think I would try to hide. That wouldn't be a world I'd like to live in, if I ever survived a war in central europe.
6 months ago
Tillie: same. Next big war I’m running out into the middle of the street to get it over with quickly
6 months ago
There's a major, major internet node in downtown Miami. I would paint a target on that if I were somebody out to destroy the world. :-(
6 months ago
In the late 50s we were ushered into the hallways (away from windows) and lined up with our faces to the wall, shielding our faces with our arms. They called it an "air raid drill," probably because "duck and cover" was pointless. Didn't think anything of it as a child. Now the threat is inside the school.
6 months ago
Many older houses where I live (SC) were built with bomb shelters - not that SC is a big military target, but the nearby-ish Savannah River Nuclear Plant might be.
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