Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
[Baby Gate Saga] Waited all day Friday with a baby who gets cranky when stuck at home for a courier who never came. Got an email on Sunday from a DIFFERENT courier that I assumed was spam as it was addressed to not me and also it contained no timeline information
latest #25
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
got home from playgroup to a notice that the second courier had tried to pick up. checked my phone, no missed call while I was at playgroup. notice says they'll try again tomorrow
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
my sister wants to take Gavin to the zoo tomorrow and I'd much rather do that than wait at home so I call hoping to at least get a timeline so I'm not waiting ALL DAY I HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
they said they'll check if they can pick it up today and MAYBE the driver will bother to call me since the buzzer doesn't work
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
phone rings, it's not them, it's the FIRST courier
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
saying they tried to pick it up on Friday but no one was here
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
even though NO ONE CALLED ME
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
but they can pick it up tomorrow afternoon
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
I am so fucking sick of being stuck at home waiting for someone to collect this fucking box
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
3 months ago
At this point I'd be tempted to go to the local news lol, hey, is it a slow news day, y'all want a story about the worst customer service experience?
3 months ago
Oh my god they are STILL fucking you around with this??
3 months ago
Oh my god the disrespect to your time....
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
you would think courier companies would have figured apartment buildings out by now
3 months ago
I wish you were close enough to give our baby gates we don't use anymore
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
oh at this point I have the gate/fence!
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
Amazon delivered it a week ago
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
because I was not placing a new order with Walmart
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
I just can't set it up until the damn box is gone
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
because it is taking up approximately HALF MY KITCHEN
3 months ago
oh geeze
3 months ago
does someone have a car who will take to a Walmart for you? the site to store ones should be able to process the return
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
the box is too big for our car
3 months ago
also its 150lbs and we dont have the equipment to move it
3 months ago
Oh no
3 months ago
oh hell
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