Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
The worst part of playing from this canon is... okay the WORST part is everything Wookieepedia chooses to be, but I'm currently complaining about the fact that you have to deal with the calendar mess whenever characters are sorting out canonpoints
latest #67
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
Especially when characters further ahead date from "Umm, the Battle of WHAT? THat sounds concerning."
lol yeah. What is time in SW?
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
STUPID that's what it is
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
Also it makes more sense in universe to date from Endor rather than Yavin but that ship has flow
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
I'm going to assume Borsk still exists in the new canon and they picked Yavin because he was going to be INSUFFERABLE if they picked Endor
Sad Dad
3 months ago
I avoid dates lol. And honestly have no idea what Hera is talking about rofl
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
It translates to 1 BBY
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
Her canonpoint is mid season four. It is VERY CAREFULLY SELECTED
Sad Dad
3 months ago
I’m not sure Bo would know what she’s talking about since she wouldn’t go by Lothal time lol
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
She is very annoyed about her canonpoint actually :-P
Sad Dad
3 months ago
Oh no lol
Murder moogle
3 months ago
Back when I played in this canon, I just went "Oh, I'm from-" he listed a date that would absolutely make sense to someone from this universe.
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
She hadn't had sex in AGES and for once there was NO ONE TO INTERRUPT except the FORCE DAMNED FOX
Sad Dad
3 months ago
Murder moogle
3 months ago
alternately, you could cop out in the way some other canons cop out and say "I'm from 2XXX in the (insert something) calendar."
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
Sorry Hera, the fox really couldn't wait. For reasons.
Murder moogle
3 months ago
....I'm picturing Hera actually specifying that as her canon point to someone.
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
But there's a reason I added the reference to Sabine haaving returned to the Alliance
Murder moogle
3 months ago
Kanan: So, Hera, when exactly are you from?
Hera: I'm from the point in time where we were about to have sex, dammit!
Kanan: /spittakes
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
nivisecond: Only in the inevitable forced truth event... or yeah, to Kanan himself :-P
Sad Dad
3 months ago
Ngl it’s been ages since I’ve watched Rebels and I only watched it once
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
Sabine does Mandalorian stuff at the beginning of season 4 and then goes back to the rebels because she decides they need her more
Sad Dad
3 months ago
Ah yes okay lol
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
So the reference would make sense to Bo Katan
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
There are practical reasons her canonpoint involves the fox cockblocking :-P
Sad Dad
3 months ago
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Ezra knows about Jacen so he just might figure that out, if he thinks hard enough about it
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
And then wish he hadn't?
3 months ago
Look, Satine and Obi-Wan are making occasional mini thunderstorms around the house where he also lives, this Trial. He's very good at going 'good for them' and refusing to consider in any more detail.
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
I could have just made her canonpoint SLIGHTLY earlier but... this was funny
Sad Dad
3 months ago
Mini thunderstorms what?
Sad Dad
3 months ago
Oh. With Satine’s horny lightning and Obi’s sad rain. I get it. ROFL
Sad Dad
3 months ago
I was like... i didn’t think they were angry???
3 months ago
Star Wars: where there's several different calendars and yet it feels like 98% of all the dates ever given are in ABY or BBY

Which is stupid because only people alive after the Battle of Yavin would ever know what the fuck they're talking about
oh the calendar mess
3 months ago
SWTOR characters also get to explain to traumatized Jedi characters that "a Sith lord broke into the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and slaughtered all the jedi" is a thing that happened more than once within like two minutes of using their own dating system in conversation
3 months ago
since they get ATC / After Treaty of Coruscant as the main in-universe timeframe
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
if the order had a nickel...
3 months ago
look, all I can say is that Chopper needs HK-47 as his Protocol droid buddy. That is all the SW headcanon I have
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
"surely HK is editing what he's saying" "he's really not"
3 months ago
Star Wars as a canon scares me so much, droid things are the only head canon I allow myself, for fear of getting yelled at
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
I survived the Canon Wars, nothing can scare me but
3 months ago
Disney fans aren't like.... Rational. And I don't mean Disney era Star Wars. I mean the people who still try to go to Disney every year, and there are several of those people I know.
3 months ago
But hey, I just boxed up my young jedi knight books in case Ted starts liking to read.
3 months ago
Also, I know the ship sailed, but WHY Yavin over Endor?
3 months ago
See, a logical dating system would refer to when the Republic was established, and then you can say that when the Empire took over they either changed the calendar or at least set a new year of 0 when the Empire began, and then the calendar either gets fixed back to where it was or is surprisingly more useful (like Gregorian over Julian) in the New Republic
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
the switch roughly corresponds to the prequels so I think maybe they were suddenly really concerned with how far BEFORE the first movie things were
3 months ago
...But at the same time, my current show's canon is so bad at math that a character who is 4800 years old cannot have been born any sooner than 1974, so what do I know?
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
there was a Republic calendar that we're not super clear on dates in
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
the Empire DID start dating relative to when Sheev declared himself emperor, but my rebel scum don't like that calendar
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
but for SOME REASON the New Republic decided to date relative to YAVIN rather than Endor or the day they declared themselves the new Republic
3 months ago
Damn, didn't know Yavin was so politically influential in the New Republic. Must have bribed a lot of senators
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
In Legends the only people living there were the Jedi
3 months ago
Ah, that explains it. Jedi Lobbying
3 months ago
Everyone talks a big game about the mind tricks, but not enough about the money
Yavin was the first massive blow to the Empire the Rebels managed to do. Before that the Rebels were barely an alliance of scattered cells of resistance. After that they all really came together as one force. So yeah, Yavin was a massive turning point politically, but even still, dating from Endor makes more sense.
3 months ago
And then there's the other, lesser known calendars that also technically start in the same timeframe

one of which decided the Year Zero focal point was the exact second the Empire put out an arrest warrant for Leia, specifically.
3 months ago
(which I think came from an official Star Wars TTRPG, but it's been a while since I double checked)
3 months ago
something I can almost get behind but I feel like it'd have been way more appropriate if they started the moment Leia heard about it and released a public statement telling the Empire to go fuck itself
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
SaintCynicism: was that the calendar of the Leia Organa Fan Club
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago
created by President Han Solo?
3 months ago
funnily enough i think it was Coruscant Security that came up with it, which gives Leia a level of "Public Enemy No. 1" that most people could only dream about
3 months ago
like imagine if we changed our entire calendar around that time the FBI announced they were going after John Dillinger or Al Capone
3 months ago
Oh it's absolutely an OOC reference point that became in universe calendar for....laziness reasons, I guess?
3 months ago
oh the calendar madness in hate it
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