Leyton says
4 weeks ago
Wedding weekend fun. https://images.plurk.com/46qc7c8wshEkg9gasxoC5e.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3MwHEt9OS8iZ2UqKnTqMWZ.jpg https://images.plurk.com/52w6faxkTWa40y3oxcyNfW.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1p3XgKqRo0NPcYdzxFbykH.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5XmJByuOXBtA90G4M2Y6dc.jpg
latest #7
You boys are so cute!
Was this your wedding?
Leyton says
4 weeks ago
starfiresilverstar: Our friends! Ours is next year.
Dakota Revolver
4 weeks ago @Edit 4 weeks ago
Can only dream about having a fancy pantsy wedding.
Dakota Revolver
4 weeks ago
Or going to one
Mazel tov to them! (and you too when the time comes)
Skip Z
4 weeks ago
Dakota Revolver
3 weeks ago
and much luck for their marriage
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