EMERGENCY HELP So guess who heard back from their Renter's Insurance? Guess who has a $2500 deductible? Yeah. I am going to need help replacing all the lost food in the fridge. If anyone can help I would appreciate it. Making my timeline public.
latest #21
Cause this broke me.
I cried at work
I can do PayPal, Cashapp or Zelle.
Zelle, ask and I will dm my phone number
Sis is looking for a job now too
i can't help right now but i did replurk
3 months ago
sent a little your way
3 days no power so far. I am the only one working, but my sister is now trying to get a job even more.
3 months ago
Also replurked, can’t do anything more sadly ;.;
Anything is appreciated. I want out of Texas
3 months ago
me too. it's such a shitty place
Bat Matt
3 months ago
...what the actual fuck
Texas power grid sucks. And so does Oncor
Oh, and Insurance Deductibles (I don't care if it's health, car, homeowners, or renters) can die in a fucking fire
3 months ago
cosigned, deductibles are a sin
all the way
3 months ago
Wish I could do more than replurk right now. <3
replurked! I agree with that deductible comment too!
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