[work] my company is a lot better than most places but we're going through reorg/layoffs and it really is just a reminder that it's still ultimately a fucking soulless corporation :/
latest #7
not just the actual layoffs but the communication around them is full of cynical, pandering bullshit
also they have this policy to literally not say who was actually laid off so we all just have to fucking figure it out???
🐍 mamushi 🐍
7 months ago
wait is that normal? the only time we're told about people being terminated is if it's an immediate safety risk like the nurse who thought it was a good idea to concealed carry
really? it seems insane to me, like, if you're working with someone and the only way you find out they're gone is they just stop responding to their emails?
🐍 mamushi 🐍
7 months ago
as someone who did this recently.......
🐍 mamushi 🐍
7 months ago
something being normal doesn't mean it's best practices :| i wish they would let us know too
ugh plus as my coworker just pointed out, we're admins on a number of platforms that aren't on our SSO system, so permissions have to be manually revoked, and we have no idea who we need to do that for. enjoy your continued access to company data, unironically hope you somehow use it to get a better job!
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