4 months ago
Auvelity saga cont - called my insurance company to see if I could appeal and they said that it requires prior authorization and they didn't outright deny coverage so CVS should fuck off. The End.
4 months ago
Plan now is to get it authorized and then try to get it filled through Amazon. I hate to give them more business but mama needs her happy pills.
Mmw Strangelove
4 months ago
Oh good! I meant to say that I hear good stuff about Mark Cuban's new drug site. I checked it for this one for you the other day when you said and then totally forgot to reply. It wasn't on there but maybe some other stuff could be. Worth a look. ❤️
4 months ago
Sabetha: unfortunately, that only works for generic drugs and this drug is still brand only, it's a patent thing.
4 months ago
But hey, I only have to wait what, 5 years or so for the patent to run out? LOL
Mmw Strangelove
4 months ago
I feel you. That's like when they tried to give me some migraine med that costs 50% more than our entire monthly income. Like... Lolnope guess I'll just die. 😂