[youtube videos] Stoat!! This is so fuckin' cute, ya'll.Weasel Can't Wait to Play In Moss 😍🐾 | Discover Wild...
latest #68
Literally just rolling up into a ball and rolling across the moss. So adorable.
I know weasels, martens, and minks are all different things but. this is why Rosita's soul is a marten :3 LOOK AT HIM
2 months ago
So cute!
2 months ago
2 months ago
I love stoats. And how they use their spastic selves to hunt (cw: the rabbit doesn't make it)Stoat Hypnotizes Rabbit | World's Deadliest
aww, weasel zoomies
I watched a whole video about "when stoats attack" lmao I love how they hunt, too. And how fearless they are. Heheheh.
surfaceshine: That is a good animal for her. /nodnodnod
Lady Stardust
2 months ago
🔴 LIVE Barn Owls 🦉🐥, Stoats 🐾, Kestrels 🦅🥚, Tawny Ow...Today on this live feed I watched a stoat just steal food from an owl. It was very fun and amusing.
Little weasels being greedy taking all the food and not leaving any for anyone else lol.
Man, they are quick, too. Blink and you miss it sometimes.
This is the first time I've seen the stoat on the live feed so it's exciting to me.
I've just seen the owls and kestrels so far.
I love the little stoats so much.
....these poor owls, you guys. There was a whole bunch of food left out for them, and a whole bunch decided to come check it out, but... the stoat literally stole it all while they watched and couldn't do a damn thing about it. XD
Just one by one the stoat just ran off with the food.
Now the poor owls are just like "but why is there no more food?" Because you watched as the stoat stole if from you, guys. Like, they were clueless what to do with the stoat as it ran up, yoinked the food right from under them, and ran off again.
God, I love stoats so much.
1 months ago
ah, on Fuller's livefeed? XD omg stoat
1 months ago
I love that guy's Youtube channel. It's so neat watching al the animals, but I'd never seen anything with the stoat before. Watching him roll around and bounce is so cute.
Yesss! I just fell in love with his youtube channel. It's great.
The stoats are SO CUTE and also cheeky little bastards. I love them.
Tonight one of them was very active, ehehe.
The foxes in the den are active rn, too, I just noticed!
I love when he compiles the little stoats being bouncy and having fun rolling around. They're really adorable when they're doing that.
1 months ago
the bounce is amazing XD I love that it's a hunting tactic, I hadn't known that!
lmao right!? they're so crazy. it's wonderful.
I mean, it is pretty mesmerizing to watch ngl. XD
It has quieted down now on the owl channel where the stoat was stealing food. It's all gone now. lol. I am really happy I got to catch that. I almost didn't click on the link today but I said "what the heck, let's see what the owls are doing tonight." and then STOAT. so happy. c:
1 months ago
he was performing for you! (also hungry) :3
He stole so much food, man... no doubt to squirrel it away for future use.
I mean, there had to be over six bodies of rodents for the pickings...
1 months ago
babies! Oh, there's so many!
Right!? They just all tumble out and there's so many in that litter! So cute, I had to stick that one in here.
1 months ago
oh my <333 they're so tiny and figuring out life together I'm just sitting here with my chin in my hands. :3
I keep pulling up new videos, but not really in any sort of order. Maybe should try that one day to get a complete story for these little stoats.
I need this here for watching in full later when it is not so close to bedtime.
Haven't watched this one yet, but maybe there are some okay shots.
2 weeks ago
awww, Robert Fuller's stoats have their own feeding spot now. I love how even their hunting looks like they're just having a good ol'time.
2 weeks ago
they seem like they're from a Looney Tunes cartoon. :3
I knowwww. They're so cute hopping around all deadly and adorable.
I did really like when RF was all "I don't want the stoat to get hurt so here, have your very own feeding station, little buddy."
An ErmineStoat: I don't know who left this giant carcass here, but it's mine now!
1 weeks ago
omg so smart <3
Omg, I went back to check out the live feed tonight. There were at least THREE stoats out tonight and they were rather cautious about the owls on the perch with food. I am wondering if it's the mother stoat's family finally grown and coming out to explore. They're so cute!!!
The mother was the one that usually just ran up and bullied the owls out of her way to get food kekeke. These little guys are much more skittish but they still want to check out that food!!
They're all slightly different colors.
omf they're so precious. mother showed up and did her fearless run at the owls to get them gone and the babies are just running around and being cute while she steals all the food as usual.
3 days ago
oh wooooow! that's so much! Mom's still protecting the babies.... :3 you got lucky with the live feed tonight.
I think there was just two and the mom was there for a bit just being more cautious than usual. The babies had a slightly different color than her and a little bit smaller. Either way, I continued to see three stoats and they were adorable running around all over the maze wall area.
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