2 months ago
I want to get back in after.... all the bullshit that happened that killed my drive. I miss writing and gaming.
latest #15
2 months ago
2 months ago
I don't think I can do jamjars again. Not for a while longer anyways?
2 months ago
Still job hunting. Work is a shit show.
2 months ago
2 months ago
I honestly blame a combination of my job sucking (the pay cut however temporary the BIG cut was supposed to be).... plus a loss in February.
2 months ago
I'm going to be getting back into things SLOWLY.
2 months ago
I want to dust off a few of my characters and.... see what shakes loose in the next few weeks.
2 months ago
Get back to dangling PSL threads
2 months ago
Same boat, really. I've done two tags since Christmas because of how draining the work and family medical issues have been since the start of the year. But things are slowly stabilizing and I want to ease back into the hobby at some point. It's just getting the gears turning again that is the starting hurdle right now.
2 months ago
Aside from family medical... unless you count pets like I do. While all this was going. on we lost Amber. Poe has been the best buddy.
miles you ass
2 months ago
I miss you
2 months ago
The loss of a pet, especially in such a way as you lost Amber, can wear on the soul for a long time.
2 months ago
I feel like my drive went down after Amber's loss. But. Friday when Poer latched onto my arm and instead of him play biting me he gave me snuggles as he tried grooming me?

Yeah. All the sudden I think I can write and it's because of a cat who often looks like he hasn't a single thought in his head.
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