Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
FINALLY making that "explain my friendship quiz answers" post, for anyone who'd like to know more in-depth silly stuff about me, haha
latest #31
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
This one needed to fulfill both "never tried" and "never want to try". I have tried bitter melon (hate it) and crocodile (it was China and I didn't know). I actually love durian! I was offered water beetle that... looked like boiled water beetle while in China as a kid and I couldn't do it, man. Never will, either!!
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
My birthday is July 23, so I'm technically a Leo! One of my friends says I'm more like a Cancer, cuz I'm on the cusp (July 23 is the first day of Leo) and I tend to just nod and agree with her cuz everything I know about astrology was learned somewhat against my will from her and some other friends. :')b
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
You ever see that one post where it says something like "everyone has some magic, it's just real mundane like never burning your popcorn"? Yeah, mine is being able to thread a needle really well.
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
I can't really do a proper Asian squat (I am a disgrace to my ancestors), def can't move my eyes independently, and would prob die if I tried to chug milk (may be slowly becoming lactose intolerant, who knows).
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
I will stay up till 3 in the morning to read stuff but would conk out in the middle of the day if given half a chance. I saw this one TikTok vid of a person cheering on people who didn't take a nap and congratulating them on being an "all-dayer" and I had to guiltily scroll up real quick cuz I had just finished taking a nap.
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
Also, I guess technically my naps are more smol sleeps, cuz they can range from 10 minutes to 3-4 hours >>
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
I have no real attachment to the other things, they're cool! But like. Being able to teleport to meet up with any of my friends who live far away from me whenever I want to? My actual dream come true.
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
I will say the amount of people who clicked the Chipmunks movie amused the heck out of me, cuz I had to Google the name of that movie seeing as I'd never watched it. But anyway!
only goes to 11
2 months ago
If you watched it, you would hate it more. Say what Civil War does to Steve, but there isn't a plot point where one of the Avengers has to eat a turd and pretend it's a raisin
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
I actually really like Coraline (Laika <3), The Expendables (BLOWING SHIT UP, HELL YEAH), and The Mermaid (this scene NEVER fails to crack me up). I've never watched any of the Chipmunks movies or the Hunger Game movies. Never was motivated to watch them by myself, never had people who'd wanna drag me to watch them.
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
Anyone who's known me long enough know that I really enjoyed MCU Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, specifically in the first two Captain America movies (enough to get a fragging tattoo based on Cap and the Howling Commandos). Apparently that tricked one or two people, who thought that I loved all Captain America stuff (my bad).
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
I could go on for a while, but one of the main reasons why I hated Civil War was that I wanted it to be a Cap Fam film and what we got was Avengers 2.5 the movie, complete with my hangups over those movies (too many people, frequently back to square one when it comes to relationships, way more emphasis on certain characters so others don't get to shine, etc)
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
All that fun stuff that I acknowledge is highly biased, so even if it was a good movie, I wouldn't be able to tell cuz I loathe that movie after having to watch it 3 times in theaters with 3 different groups of people.
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
Actually wait no, funny story to add on. My friends were doing one of those "guess what your bf/friend will pick out of these things" quizzes and it was on a monsters or something section. One friend gave this really interesting
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
mini dissertation on why she thinks I would pick the witch or vampire. It was really impressive! But my other friend, who could see me looking more and more sheepish as the first friend went on, caught on quick and just went "Werewolf. Cuz dog." (First friend was so mad)
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
gaisce: Okay but I would go into that movie with low expectations, so it will never get to the level of hatred I have for Civil War
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
Back to quiz: ALL ANIMALS ARE GREAT but dogs are my favorite :|b
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
I genuinely don't know how people sleep with more than one pillow under their head. I can see extra pillows being used as support for your back or to put between your legs and in your arms? But that's what burrito'ing in your blanket with a plush firmly being hugged to yourself is for! To each their own, though, haha
only goes to 11
2 months ago
Your hatred would get there after 3 watchings... It would fester with quiet malice like Baron Zemo.
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
I gave the range cuz I've been told by the doctors that I'm 5'6" but my younger siblings are taller than me (how dare they) and say that's a lie and I'm actually a lil shorter than that. \o_O/
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
I'm like 95% extremely extroverted and 5% "I can totally hole up in my bed for a few days and just be on my phone looking at fics/manga/videos without talking to anyone", so yeah. I love my friends! A lot!! I wanna just be in their presence as we do stuff together or separately!!! FRIENDS ARE GREAT!!!!
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
Uhhhh the other things: I have read so many fics. So many. But yes, I would drop reading them in a heartbeat if the alternative is being with someone I care about. Having an adventure is only really fun with friends, cuz I'm actually not the most spontaneous person when left to my own devices. :|a
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
I despise working out. ◉‿◉ The dopamine or whatever that people get when working out? Yeah, never get that. Have not worked out in a long while and I should but the motivation is very much Not There. And I love sleep!! But like. Only when I'm not doing stuff.
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
One of the inside jokes some of my friends and I have is that I'm the midnight driver cuz I almost always drive home at around that time (if not even later), even if I have work the next day. So yeah. FRIENDSHIP!!!!!!!
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
Aaand that's the end of the explanations, haha
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
gaisce: babe I'm never watching that movie 3 times XD XD XD
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
Thank you to everyone who took the quiz! It was very fun to see what people's answers were and no judgements are made if you missed a lot. These are off the cuff,silly questions that I made up and never really talked about aloud to many people, haha
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
You're all appreciated and ilu!
only goes to 11
2 months ago
You never know. You could be subbing for a class with a very sadistic teacher. "Oh, you want a movie instead of math, do you? ...well!"
Nin in JJK hell
2 months ago
gaisce: See, that's when I get out my phone and start reading fics :-Db
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