5 months ago @Edit 5 months ago
So...I am listening to Taylor Swift for the first time. So far, unobjectionable. A pleasant voice, the lyrics are more interesting than the music
latest #27
5 months ago
High praise!
5 months ago @Edit 5 months ago
I said that before you added the third sentence lol
5 months ago
lol, I saw that.
5 months ago
OK, I didn't make it through the entire album. I hate sounding like an old fogey claiming it all sounds the same, but it all sounds the same. Insipid music. Some of the lyrics were intriguing and perhaps she should publish her lyrics as books of poetry to reach the people who grew up on more interesting music.
5 months ago
I think she has a few extraordinary songs, but most of it is just okay.
5 months ago
Maybe recommend a couple. I was listening to her new album.
5 months ago
Now I am listening to thisUndone
5 months ago
I'll have to check. I'm not an aficionado. But many of her hits are pretty good. They deserve to be hits.
Vic Lenoirre
5 months ago
I like her lyrics. But sometimes the music isn't that great. Tears on my guitar speaks to me.
5 months ago
Listen to Evermore and Folklore
5 months ago
She has some fun songs I really love. Most of what I love has been her hits however
5 months ago
I will check out some other songs...maybe tomorrow. The album was unobjectionable at first but began to pluck my nerves.
Estella Magic
5 months ago
I liked her Folklore and Evermore album.
callie cline
5 months ago
I think Taylors strength as a songwriter are her lyrics. Melodically, she does one thing often, the stacatto, one or 2 notes thing, which some say is deliberate because she is a poet... but then she will come up with an AMAZING melody, and it's like OMG she CAN do it!! so i agree with Polly... mostly "ok" a few really great ones!
potato boyo
5 months ago
I also think there is a tendency when you listen to a bunch of a new (to you) artist all at once, you are going to get a "this is all the same" feel from it.
potato boyo
5 months ago
Particularly if it's from the same album.
potato boyo
5 months ago
Someone who has never heard iron maiden before is going to say the same thing if they listen to one album of theirs.
5 months ago
I just listened to Folklore. It is better, some of the lyrics are amazing. I know what I dislike about her music, the percussion. Her drummer sounds like a drum machine.
5 months ago
Harvard and Northeastern have courses about TS's lyrics and the phenomenon that is her stardom.
5 months ago
As do many other colleges
5 months ago
I think she is "a force for good" as a role model for young girls, advocating voting, activism, etc. I think her lyrics are interesting, She needs to find herself a Richard Rodgers.
5 months ago
She is a billionaire who treats her team well (with $$), she gives a ton of money to charity (much of it without fanfare or credit), she has won every major award, her fandom loves her, she is a powerhouse in the industry, and has broken ground for other artists in the way she runs her business. I do not understand why people love to hate her
5 months ago
I was listening to some of it this weekend too and felt like it all started blurring as well. I almost feel like this one maybe should have cooked a bit longer. I'm not a swiftie by any means, but definitely enjoyed evermore and folklore and some of her collab stuff outside of albums. But so far this one isn't catching me really. I'm going to give it another
5 months ago
listen when I am driving a good distance so I have time to just let them play through and see if a second run through changes my opinion.
5 months ago
(oh and Midnights, I really did enjoy most of that album too)
5 months ago
I'm not a big fan of pop music. A few songs break through but I mostly prefer R&B, rock, jazz, alternative, alt-country, Red Dirt and Bakersfield county, folk, blues, Motown, classical, just about every genre except pop, metal, and polka. lol
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