( i havent checked if i accidentally didnt set mine to 1 )
now i have to check wait lmfao
If it's a wearable demo, I'm fine with a small charge. For something I'm just going to look at? No, and now I don't like you. And if it's a timed demo on top of it? I hope you get something easily curable but itchy.
timed demos are the devil.
I think people used to do it so they could track purchases, but with most people using vendor systems like Casper or MD, that doesn't really make sense anymore IMO
one excuse is so they are trackable- which is bullshit. it's always been trackable with or without a vendor system unless the vendor system didn't bother.
IT REALLY DOESNT, just use SL's vendor system, you dont need demo transactions
i dont know why but something about a L$1 demo makes me feel violent lol
one person told me "if they aren't willing to pay $L1, then they aren't willing to pay full price for a skin" and i didn't have the heart to explain why i personally just ignored his skins entirely because of it.
to me, you're better off with NO demo at all than a 1L demo, sorry not sorry guys.
I won't do it. I know it's "just 1L" but it doesn't sit right in my whole spirit! There are too many stores and heck, a lot of them sell the SAME EXACT THING. I'll just go there.
how do you track a 0L purchase if the vendors aren't scripted?
Timed Demos should die in a fiery hell. Nothing infuriates me more when I end up naked at an event because I tried your timed demo on.
buy for 0 has always shown up on transactions just like for more than.
yes, why lag out your vendor system, just set that prim on sale
gogolita: the only downside is that if you want to track it, you need to remember to download your transactions (and process that however you want your stats). and some people do want to track demo vs. buy to see how many more people are demoing
i dont care how much I want an item. if their demo is $1, I wont buy the demo or the item.
oh for some reason I always thought a 0L transaction didn't show up in the same way or something. but also I just never really think about it, I don't care at all if the demo is 1L.
omgwtfbarb: you can filter them out if you choose, but that's it.
The 1L demo can be annoying. I hate to delete anything with a price.
wait. aren’t there other transactions that show up as a 0L transaction? I swear there was a legit reason why people did this and it wasn’t just to be a dick
I feel like at one point, and my memory may be TOTALLY wrong here, giving someone something like a notecard would count in the history. But that was ages and ages ago.
Yeah nope I am not buying the demo OR the item
I think most $1 ones refund immediately now anyway. But also isn't it so you can gift the demo to someone?
aliciachenaux: inventory drops are recorded, though without all the details (who to/from, but not what)
Sabetha: on MP. in world, doesn't matter.
there's no way to know on the ones that refund, that they will do so (and they don't always trigger that part of the vendor, but at that point, it's 1L, who cares). but you can set up any of the major vending systems to not do even that anyway. however principle of the thing to me: if you don't think someone will WANT your product enough to make the demo
free, why should i think i will?
especially now with all the render and AI bullshit ads. it's just subtly suggesting that the picture isn't the actual product.
omgwtfbarb: sure, other things show up on transactions, but it's all dead easy to filter. if you're tracking anything in stats in any way, you're already sorting by name as well as transaction type, because how is one product different from another otherwise?? it's all spreadsheets and easy to pull out different types etc. if you're using SL's built in
if you care about demo transactions, you're already filtering them, so 1L or 0L doesn't matter. with transactions it's all on the same page in the same place with the same information minus the price being different. if you're using a vendor system, you have to trigger the give, you can trigger anything else there including registration at the same time