Nin in JJK hell
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Being an adult means watching "Mean Girls" in a high school class as a substitute teacher, and while the class is laughing about the coach "dating" a student thing, you're full on cringing and screaming on the inside cuz oh no absolutely freaking not Edit: ORIGINAL Mean Girls movie!
latest #6
Nin in JJK hell
3 months ago
God these kids have so much eyeliner around their eyeballs
Nin in JJK hell
3 months ago
I forgot how amazing Regina is as an antagonist, the flair
3 months ago
i have never seen it
only goes to 11
3 months ago
Musical Regina also has flair even if everyone is watered down character wise apparently
Nin in JJK hell
3 months ago
gaisce: Oh no this is the original movie
Nin in JJK hell
3 months ago
LivesInYesterday: Some bits are still very good and some bits have aged uh poorly
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