4 months ago
[job hunting] AAAAAAAA. My housemate sent me a link to a job I LOVE THE IDEA OF. For me. But I have never written a cover letter.
latest #9
4 months ago
Not to sell myuself anyways.
4 months ago
The typos tonight are because I'm vibrating outta my skin on this one.
4 months ago
My thought is:

Talk briefly on my experience in the organization I have worked almost ten years for.

How it enlightened me to the needs of the community we serve.

What skills I have that translate over.
4 months ago
My experience is working with low income members of the community who have.... difficulties with getting shit they actually need.
4 months ago
Also costumer service and frankly, I can't figure out a nice way to say "you can drop a bomb on me and I can figure out how to handle it."
4 months ago
I can't tell them my worksite had a person walking around with a sword once. Not during the INTERVIEW at least.
4 months ago
(Hire me for that pay level and we can talk crazy town shop during post workday drinks??? Maybe. No traumatizing folks.)
4 months ago
I'm hoping that once I move jobs I'll feel like me again. I've been having a rough time in my headspace.... which I think is burnout from work plus the loss of Amber.
4 months ago
Good luck! Go for it!
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