Sean Gorham shares
7 months ago
TRANS PERSON INFILITRATES CPAC (Part 1)I would never in a million years have the emotional fortitude and energy to do what Jordan's done here.
7 months ago
She's very brave. Two of my friends used to do undercover infiltration but very differently. First, it was in the 80s, so not camera recording. They wrote articles. Tarso infiltrated Wise Use movement conferences, etc. Eric infiltrated white nationalist organizations. The strange thing is that Eric is Black. He presented himself as a Black separatist, though
7 months ago @Edit 7 months ago
For a while some of the Wise Use groups put a bounty on Tarso's head. They also set fire to one of our board member's homes. Well, that is, allegedly as it happened where the sheriff was part of the Wise Use movement and did not arrest anyone. Not a big enough case for the feds. No one was hurt.
Sean Gorham
6 months ago
Wow, that's some wild stuff. :-o Also, for future reference, Jordan uses they/them.