Fuchsia Fox
5 months ago
[Thoughts of the moment/RL economy/mute] Something occurred to me today while watching a podcast about the whole AAA game layoffs and the declining state of the industry... I'll copy over what I posted there and expand.
latest #12
Fuchsia Fox
5 months ago
++Something occurs to me looking at the difference between the AAA game companies and the smaller developers, price and volume. Palworld for example, like it or hate it, early access or not, more people took a chance on it because it's less than half the cost of 90% of the AAA games, is fun, looks decent enough and isn't loaded with microtransactions.
Fuchsia Fox
5 months ago
Everyone is tightening their belts these days and frankly many people don't have 60+ dollars for a game when it comes to something that is pure entertainment.
Fuchsia Fox
5 months ago
I mean, profit wise yeah bigger price tags seems good on paper, but really, when you calculate it, what comes out ahead, selling 10 games at 60 dollars a piece, or 1000 for 30? (numbers shrunk/placeholdered for simplicity's sake)
Fuchsia Fox
5 months ago
Especially with many games going digital only, why the eff are they charging the same for a physical release and a digital download? There is so much less overhead for digital. No need to get factories to produce the physical media, no shipping, no warehousing, no stocking cost, etc etc.++
Fuchsia Fox
5 months ago
As I was writing this, I couldn't help but wonder what the fuck is up with big corporate entities focusing only on the large price tags and ignoring the common sense of 'if it's not selling, what do we do to move product? Should we lower the price?'
Fuchsia Fox
5 months ago
I mean you see it where I live so much now... so many empty stores and business being forced out of storefronts because the owner/company has raised their rent by double or more... Only to then let the fucking storefronts sit empty.
Fuchsia Fox
5 months ago
My fave burger place for example, moved because the place they were in got greedy and demanded a nearly 200% rent increase... They told the rental owner to get fucked and move... It's been almost 6 months and guess what, it's still empty.
Fuchsia Fox
5 months ago
Like, you fucking morons. You had a good thing there. You had a steady renter, they did repairs to the building, paid rent on time, had a steady customer base... and you got fucking greedy. Now you get nothing.
Fuchsia Fox
5 months ago
Rip common sense, common decency and looking it up, using your fucking brain... because guess who's being sued for breach of contract because the rent increase they tried to force broke their lease agreement and several local renters laws...
Fuchsia Fox
5 months ago
I just... People wonder why I write escapist fantasy stories... /sigh
Fuchsia Fox
5 months ago
Urg... first time posting in here in a month and it's about this shit. I swear I used to be fun... @@
5 months ago
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