Clara 🦄
4 months ago
Advice Time! Roomate couple A is threatening to move out if I don't evict couple B. Couple B are Fentanyl addicts, but unfortunately one of them is on the lease. I'm debating just calling the cops and letting them sort it all out but (A) I don't want to go to jail too and (B) I can't afford rent without them.
latest #21
4 months ago
I think illegal drug use would probably be a just cause to evict them, no? also if you don't, sounds like the non-drug couple will move out, which still leaves you down $
4 months ago
it's in your best interest to handle it and get rid of the problem couple
4 months ago
also, why would you go to jail?
Clara 🦄
4 months ago
I'm also a tenant.
Do you have physical proof of their addiction? Personally I’d get the addicts out. Who is the landlord? Are they aware of it? If you report it then you shouldn’t be liable. You have an obligation to report drug activity in your house. Are they selling/stashing or just using? Can you take photos/videos of the drugs in their possession? You’ll need proof.
Who’s on the lease? Are you on the lease?
Clara 🦄
4 months ago
I'm on the lease and one of the druggies is on it.
4 months ago
oh, then why are you being told to evict them? sounds like your landlord's problem
4 months ago
oh wait, are you saying you are the landlord AND a tenant? I still don't follow why you would go to jail.
Clara 🦄
4 months ago
I wasn't sure how it'd be dealt with if I'm in the same unit with the stuff.
4 months ago
you are not legally responsible for the illegal things your tenants/roommates do as far as I know
Clara 🦄
4 months ago
plan is to just call the cops next time I smell it.
4 months ago
that seems very antagonistic
4 months ago
and what will the cops do?
Clara 🦄
4 months ago
So, I should try talking to the office first?
4 months ago
are you the landlord or not?
4 months ago
if you're not the landlord, it's not your responsibility to deal with this. take it up with your landlord.
Clara 🦄
4 months ago
Clara 🦄
4 months ago
And thank you!
You gotta start by telling the landlord. They really need to go. You need to present yourself as the reporting party so no backlash lands on you. Tell the landlord you suspect that they’re abusing drugs in the apartment.
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