1 years ago
Iowa caucus: Donald Trump wins first Republican cont...hoped for a diff outcome but figured this would be it anyways
latest #7
I was reading that it’s actually better if he wins the R nod because he can’t beat Biden. Whereas Nikki and Ron could quite possibly beat Joe. Time will tell.
Hopefully the Russians stay out of the equation but I have my doubts
1 years ago
me too sadly
1 years ago
and starfiresilverstar why are you up? did you not say gnite like 4hrs ago?
Aems: I had the washer repair man here. He had the nerve to come at 9AM!!!
I went back to bed afterwards and now I’m awake again. Thanks for checking!
1 years ago
dang glad you got more sleep!
Sleep is questionable but I did rest.
Hopefully tonight I’m in bed earlier
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