16 years ago
sitter made choc covrd pretzels w kids, went out 2 play, dogs ate em ALL...6 yo hysterical dogs puking baby screaming 'elmo on' welcome home
latest #12
khokanson thinks
16 years ago
work is MUCH easier than parenting
thespian70 hopes
16 years ago
dogs are OK...chocolate can be deadly...maybe get them to vet
bknittle says
16 years ago
I too hope the dogs are okay
kimcaise says
16 years ago
me three hope the dogs are okay
cfox2 says
16 years ago
oh no! What a way to come home. Hope dogs okay.
RobnMartin says
16 years ago
oh brother - I passed on your KTI info about the PBS writing - good for you. I hope some of my teachers will join your conversation.
16 years ago
I think this is a Calgon, take me away moment! Hope all is settled down by now.
megbg says
16 years ago
You definitely need Calgon or an Easy button or something. Hope the evening went smoother.
16 years ago
:'-( Hope for :-D later
kshelton says
16 years ago
I agree with megbg.
kshelton shares
16 years ago
Calgon commercial
Loonyhiker says
16 years ago
sorry, don't mean to laugh - hope u can't hear me giggling - i really do feel bad...
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