ProBlogger says
16 years ago
yesteday's ProBlogger newsletter went out in plain text version not html - I asked readers for feedback... the results
latest #30
ProBlogger says
16 years ago
the results were split - half argued strongly for plain text and half argued strongly for html
16 years ago
i like plain text
16 years ago
16 years ago
For me plain text-ers tend to be email purists. I prefer HTML emails, as it gives me quick acting functions like hyperlink in the email.
16 years ago
It's better than cut 'n paste.
Despil です thinks
16 years ago
that plain text is better for mobile phones that get the HTML e-mails as "attachments" like the Nokia E61i.
16 years ago
rolandhesz: That's a good point. But how many peeps getting the email need mobile phone support?
flashman says
16 years ago
some newsletter services allow readers to select a preference - could be delivered via a "toggle HTML/plaintext" link in your email body.
ProBlogger says
16 years ago
actually about 10 of the 30 responses I got were from people saying they wanted plain because they read their email on their phones
ProBlogger says
16 years ago
flashman - yeah aweber will deliver it in plain text to people who don't accept html
mwilton13 says
16 years ago
I didn't respond, but I prefer the HTML. Plain text is just too...PLAIN
16 years ago
If you can offer a delivery choice, that would be the best option. I like HTML text for the graphics and the quick links.
16 years ago
it makes it a better experience for me. At the very least the hyperlinks
Despil です
16 years ago
fdossantos maybe that 50% who liked the plain text? :-))
Despil です
16 years ago
points at Probloggers response: see, I was on the right track. *is totally content with himself*
RaaVi says
16 years ago
I like both, especially coming from you :-)
ProBlogger says
16 years ago
thanks RaaVi
Rebecca L-S says
16 years ago
I prefer HTML. More control of the layout makes it easier and friendlier to read.
otherdeb דבורה says
16 years ago
either is good
Chris Hinton says
16 years ago
A choice would be good. I prefer the HTML version, but to be honest either one is OK. It's the content I'm interested in, after all.
ツ Mike says
16 years ago
choice is good. I like plain text.
lisab says
16 years ago
Choice is the best. From you, I'd prefer HTML because you'll have cool links I need to check out. Don't mind text though.
16 years ago
I like both as long as its clean. Mostly I think I'm a bells and whistles gal though.
JoeHobot says
16 years ago
i like plain text better then html :-) just my preference
The Happy Rock says
16 years ago
I didn't get the newsletter, but I say HTML
16 years ago
as many others i like text for reading but enjoy grephics when applicable ;-)
Joankr says
16 years ago
I prefer HTML cuz it's easier to scan & grasp quickly, but I know those who prefer text, so choice is good.
SKashliwal says
16 years ago
contents matter not packaging :-))
BarbaraKB feels
16 years ago
choice: 50/50 feedback means u should seriously consider, Darren. And, yes, mobile rules! :-)
spyjournal says
16 years ago
i prefer incredimail - NOT!
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