AskAnneka shares
14 years ago
Infidelicious - Friday's letter for advice
latest #6
☆QKingstonQ☆ says
14 years ago
Wow,I have Friend who thinks that Sl is just a game to live out his fantasies.
☆QKingstonQ☆ says
14 years ago
So he has more than one AV, who are married to diff. ppl,so he doesnt think its cheating.
☆QKingstonQ☆ says
14 years ago
Different Strokes for Different folks I guess, No pun intended. (griltongue)
Monroe Jigsaw
14 years ago
woop! nother one for the blogroll!
AskAnneka says
14 years ago
ty, Monroe :-)
Monroe Jigsaw
14 years ago
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