Pynchon as a person. The fact that he is such a private person leaves only his work for readers to judge, not his reputation.
latest #11
especially impressed that there isn't a known picture of him. It must be tough for authors to stay anonymous these days.
I thought this was pretty impressive too. His whole background section really surprised me.
I can completely understand why he chose to do that in light of the Tiger Woods situation!
Pynchon has a sort of madness to him and I think that has to do with his reclusive nature. I think of J.D. Salinger in the same way.
i found myself thinking that he was technical writer, as it sometimes sounded like stereo instructions
Agree! There is so much pressure on an author or actor or singer these days. It's not about what they bring forth anymore. It's about
the way that society perceives them. It would be awfully hard to have any kind of privacy, and I can't imagine what these people go through!
I agree, I thought how they portrayed him as a Simpsons character with the brown bag over his bag was interesting.
I liked this too! It's like all he really cares about is his writings and give people no other way to judge him. It's refreshing that he
isn't caught up in the media like everyone else in our cultures seems to be
i agree i think the media puts alot of opinions of others out there and poeple just believe them-
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