Eirik says
15 years ago
Ok, so I'm feeling a LOT of Schadenfreude today. Haven't been in such a good mood for a long time.
latest #30
Eirik says
15 years ago
2 public schools decided with the start of the new school year to not allow headscarves anymore in class since they're religious symbols.
Eirik says
15 years ago
The muslims decided to take it to supreme court since they claimed that it wasn't a decision for individual schools to make.
Eirik says
15 years ago
And now the national network of public schools decided to outlaw these headscarves.
Eirik says
15 years ago
About time someone up high took a stand against the dhimmitude we've been forced to endure for so long.
Ivey says
15 years ago
is there a similar rule regarding wearing crosses?
Ivey says
15 years ago
just curious
Ivey says
15 years ago
can I get a link to your source please?
Ivey says
15 years ago
I'm not finding any reference to a major decision like this in the US news
15 years ago
Belgium rocks!!! What else did they ban this week? (LOL)
Eirik says
15 years ago
Ivey: it's Belgian, not US. And yes, it includes all religious symbols. So crosses, headscarves, those funny jewish hats, mjollnirs, etc.
Eirik says
15 years ago
Technically the wording even says "levensbeschouwelijk" and not really "religieus" so that COULD mean it also includes ideological symbols
Eirik says
15 years ago
such as a Che Guevara shirt or the hammer and sickle
Eirik says
15 years ago
And a Dutch source: www.standaard.be/Artikel...
Obsolete says
15 years ago
I find that oppressive.
Rixie says
15 years ago
it's sad.
Ivey says
15 years ago
wow thats unreal, the people would never put up with that here I dont think. I know I wouldnt
Ivey says
15 years ago
the general population is standing behind that??
Rixie says
15 years ago
I'm not sure about that, Ivey. They've driven Christmas and other holidays out of public schools. Why not this?
Ivey says
15 years ago
though that has more to do with school sponsored activities than personal garb I think. I don't think you can compare removing prayer
Ivey says
15 years ago
from a school assembly to a child wearing a cross or yamulke. That doesnt force people of different religions to participate or exclude them
Rixie says
15 years ago
they can always lump it into the "distraction" category.
Ivey says
15 years ago
I think the US is more of a melting pot and we should accept personal expressions of religious beliefs, that doesnt mean they should be
Ivey says
15 years ago
government or public school imposed or funded
Ivey says
15 years ago
if I want my children to have a religion based school experience I would send them to an appropriate school. I went to Baptist school myself
Ivey says
15 years ago
the constitution of the US guarantees the right of personal freedom of expression as well as the separation of church and state so I think
Ivey says
15 years ago
that would cover both categories
Ivey says
15 years ago
though you never know as much as the constitution is warped these days to suit LOL
Eirik says
15 years ago
FTR boni, there are no private schools. Only public schools and autonomous schools, the second are also free for students but are allowed to
Eirik says
15 years ago
have a religious identity.
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