myg says
15 years ago
What do you tell your kids about God if you're not religious? I blog about it and ask you what you think.
Ivey says
15 years ago
I'm agnostic and I had bad experiences as a child with being raised Southern Baptist. I don't have those sweet childhood stories and was
Ivey says
15 years ago
taught to fear God. I would tell my children that there are some people who do believe, but its up to them to come to their own conclusions
Ivey says
15 years ago
about why they think we're here. I think studying philosophy and history are much more reasonable than pushing faith on a child when they..
Ivey says
15 years ago
are so easily molded and influenced
Ivey says
15 years ago
In other words, train them to question, to think and to reason and let them make their own discoveries and decisions