mrgraham says
16 years ago
who does not have a car?
latest #13
margalit says
16 years ago
I just got one (free) after a year without one. It was great in the summer but it sucked donkey's balls in the Boston winter.
wigsandkeys says
16 years ago
when I lived in the city, I knew several carless people. Everything was within walking distance for them - work, shopping etc.
wigsandkeys says
16 years ago
plus, owning a car in Chicago can be expensive, with city sticker, state sticker, parking fees, tickets, towing etc.
16 years ago
I don't
mrgraham says
16 years ago
when i live din Portland, I NEVER used my car. Many acquaintances sold their wheels.
PlurkingPoppa has
16 years ago
been carless for at least a decade
sugabee says
16 years ago
I have to have one, =/ I live in suburbia..
Susie Jo says
16 years ago
suburbians unite...
хσsтeрнಌ says
16 years ago
no car for me.
16 years ago
chokes on the premise that suburbanites have to live SOV lifestyles (g_doh)
Morton Fox
16 years ago
I didn't have a car when I lived in New York City.
FitQueenB says
16 years ago
I do have a car, live out in the country, not riding some farm animal from the neighbours... LOL
kulot says
16 years ago
me! i can't afford one but my parents have theirs. I just commute when I go out.
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