ArcadiaBeery is
15 years ago
making a red velvet cheesecake! (hungry)
latest #12
tsmileygal says
15 years ago
oooo I bet that's good! My relatives in SC introduced us to regular red velvet a year ago...awesome!
darbrasfield says
15 years ago
oh my! wow wow. Your recipe?
darbrasfield says
15 years ago
want to share your recipe?
darbrasfield says
15 years ago
TechRex says
15 years ago
am ready for a bite right now!!!
ArcadiaBeery shares
15 years ago
Recipe!! Recipe!! (hungry) can't wait for it to be done...but it's like a 6 hour process!!
karebear_B says
15 years ago
That sounds delicious
scarlson says
15 years ago
(mmm) (mmm) (mmm)
darbrasfield says
15 years ago
Merry loves
15 years ago
cheesecake and red velvet cake but have never had them together! (mmm)
StayinCooLu says
15 years ago
oh, yum!
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