手工 A 片由來是製做黑輪的工廠員工清一色都是聾啞人士,也就是台語的「 A 告」,為高雄聾啞夫妻開的手工黑輪店,取「啞巴」的台語發音得名,且工廠多聘聾啞人士。店家表示,除了為安頓社會弱勢,也是給他們安靜工作環境。真的都是手工製作的
白片 = 甜不辣, A 片 = 高雄黑輪鹹酥雞攤賣「手工A片」?高雄在地美食真相曝光,背後藏暖心用意-風傳媒原來是這樣XDFacebook
I reached the point of the winter where I'm basically just getting by which means that this is my best record so far in terms of mental health
but I still sort of just lose momentum at some point and getting into February isn't bad. I really could use some spring weather but right now it's arctic blast shit so.