美國汽車工人聯合會(UAW)週一(23日)對克萊斯勒母公司斯泰蘭蒂斯(Stellantis)最大的組裝廠發動罷工,多達6800人參與行動,影響了汽車製造商利潤豐厚的RAM 1500皮卡車生產,在罷工持續1個多月後,進一步擴大行動。
How do I vote? What you need to know about the UK general electio...
Do I need my polling card? Where’s my local polling station? Do I need to take ID? Here’s what you need to know about casting your vote
Do I need my polling card? Where’s my local polling station? Do I need to take ID? Here’s what you need to know about casting your vote
May and Corbyn cross UK in attempt to sway voters on final day of...
Labour leader calls for people to vote to show ‘democracy will never be cowed by terror’ while PM calls for ‘fiercely patriotic’ voters to support Tories
Labour leader calls for people to vote to show ‘democracy will never be cowed by terror’ while PM calls for ‘fiercely patriotic’ voters to support Tories
我從未帶著希望投票 柯賓改變了這點 - 衛報評論
I’ve never voted with hope before. Jeremy Corbyn has changed that...
The Labour leader’s improved performance and raft of popular policies have given me an unfamiliar feeling as I prepare to go to the polls: optimism
我從未帶著希望投票 柯賓改變了這點 - 衛報評論
I’ve never voted with hope before. Jeremy Corbyn has changed that...
The Labour leader’s improved performance and raft of popular policies have given me an unfamiliar feeling as I prepare to go to the polls: optimism