ಠ_ಠ偷偷說Last edited a year agoಠ_ಠ - 因為AB而買了繪師的作品,那時繪師的簡介上也標示主推AB,但現在卻出現CA配對、雜食向等之類...曾經是AB寫手,後來出了一本BA。開宗明義標清楚,沒有夾帶,沒有推廣給AB受眾。但被匿名google心得咒罵三字經,舔流行,賤。每隔幾行就再寫一次:為了流行寫BA有沒有這麼賤啊?從此嚇到再也不開google表單。因為一些原因,之後找到那個心得應該是誰寫的。又發現在別圈的討論中她形容我是個混亂吃糧的危險人物。可是,我覺得妳比較危險。 1 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses Autobot Abubot Also glad to pick these up on sale. Didn't want to pay full price for them given I've already got the BAF and I didn't want the other figures in the wave. Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks