關於昨天在推特上傳開的男跨學生襲擊女學生的影片@BlackBottle - 「俄勒岡州一所中學的跨性別者(Trans identified male)...
簡單來說就是已提交少年法院BREAKING: Charges Pending Against Transgender Studen...
Reduxx has confirmed that a petition has been received by the Washington County Juvenile Court and charges are now pending in the case of a transgender student caught on film violently attacking a female student.
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The clip was initially uploaded to Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) by Ben Edtl, the Republican nominee for the Senate district in which the school is situated.

Edtl later uploaded additional clips purporting to show the same student assaulting other girls.
While details were initially limited, Reduxx spoke with a representative at Hazelbrook Middle School and received confirmation that an assault had taken place at the school last week.
Following the confirmation, Reduxx reached out to the Tualatin Police Department, which revealed that they had received a report of assault at the school, and had passed the case on to the Washington County Juvenile Department (WCJD).
sofa_potato: 更左的媒體直接說他是女的,哪跟你說那是個垮
pwpdvdnv: 我還沒搜其他媒體,但本來這個媒體就不太鳥性別稱呼這件事情
這推在說TTS(學區組織?)發文告誡任何散佈學生個資(包含姓名)的都是不正確的做法Ben Edtl on X
另一個角度的影片Riley Gaines on X
sh98coco: 應該要找其他父母一起告他
Terry Schilling 🇺🇸 on X同一個跨,在這之前還攻擊了兩個女孩
REDUXX on Xwe received a bomb and shooting threat directed at the school and multiple individuals associated with the school and area.
Genspect on X學校說,那個男跨襲擊女生的行為跟他是跨性別沒有關係。
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