居然有人跟我問:摔破的碗挺漂亮的,請問是哪邊買?松鼠兄妹/ 台中碗盤專售x開發票 日本製 藍莓 陶瓷碗盤 深盤 淺盤 碗 大碗 碗公 飯碗 微波 電鍋 ...其實好幾家店都有這個,是日本製的!!!價錢也蠻便宜。質感不錯,圖案小清新。不一定要在這家買可以搜索看看。
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I reached the point of the winter where I'm basically just getting by which means that this is my best record so far in terms of mental health
but I still sort of just lose momentum at some point and getting into February isn't bad. I really could use some spring weather but right now it's arctic blast shit so.
idk, not a fan
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