悠太翼 [TWVtuber] a year ago🛡#翼直播 🛡繼續來玩 Sonic Origins Plus 吧!🛡待機室🛡YT:【#遊戲】Vol. 463: Sonic Origins Plus #9 - 剩下最後兩款作品了,繼續加...Twitch:悠太翼 - Twitch 6 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses 掰噗~好奇 那麼你覺得呢? 🪶薩克★委託關閉中 奶奶超carryˇˇ((實際操作心得(## 小戰@邊界狀態 fiywolf_sark: 補和傷害可以不用切換^q^ 🪶薩克★委託關閉中 射歪就當補隊友(X 小戰@邊界狀態 michael223628: 要上手好難…… Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks