#灣區生明月晚會 #王一博 #肖戰
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230629王一博湾区升明月大湾区电影音乐晚会... 来自识或知 - 微博
#博君一肖[超话]# 230629湾区升明月大... 来自颓废烤肉 - 微博
另開一版 純收博肖照片、影片的!

230629王一博湾区升明月大湾区电影音乐晚会... 来自识或知 - 微博
#博君一肖[超话]# 230629湾区升明月大... 来自颓废烤肉 - 微博

to and too and two are a menace but not because its easy to mix them up but because your fingers want to type the other ones sometimes
I'm p sure that's what happened, but I'm still always like YOU FOOL, HOW COULD YOU, YOU CALL YOURSELF A WRITER
Elliot at the motive because Machias being dead isn't enough, we gotta threaten his crush too
Also double whammy for dead Machias because both of these two would be suitably freaked out by the idea of poor Rean getting dragged into this mess
like it's not even oh no what if Rean dies, like, that's a legit concern but EVERYTHING HAS ALREADY HAPPENED TO REAN SO MUCH PLEASE LEAVE HIM ALONE