沉默潛艦 Last edited 2 years agoFacebook批柯文哲未救學生 潘俊霖:連地點都寫錯還消費太陽花 - 政治 - 自由時報電子報快新聞/柯文哲提太陽花學運「連地點都寫錯」 民進黨團:他當年秀一下就去繞境 - 民視新聞網所以也沒錯啊柯文哲一開始就沒在反服貿他只是去逛一下結果大家誤會了就讓他當了兩任市長還是總統候選人@Silentsubmarine on Plurk 2 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses YeeXinnn!says At least the guy clever enough, never " huh " her. Haha! SHERMAINE.♡says HAHAHA!!! omg now getting nicer!!! ;3 Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks