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每個月課程資料@fiower16900302 - 課程許願表單 想學什麼,歡迎填寫表單~ 課程作品也會販售喔 6月販售...
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and by extension rewards as well!
When was the last time AC links were checked, please?
I.E. a color other than green to indicate “we checked and this isn’t right” might help as a warning?
oh same question
day before yesterday. if it says "Check PMs" then that means there's something up. WE're a little delayed on checking so if there's something wrong, we'll usually give a couple days for response,etc. in cases like this!
we send a pm to the character journal and put 'Check PM' under the link if there's an issue
gotcha, ty!
Heh, whoops! Just getting in under the deadline here ^^; For some reason I thought the AC check was the first of the month.
putting check PMs ones in yellow and leaving the link available but uneditable since it's past close. don't mind color coding to make info easier to find. /o/
update: all yellows/check pms are cleared, AC is done. drops are processed and taken list / comm membership is updated!
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