ಠ_ಠ偷偷說Last edited 2 years ago趁機karmago對cwtx虹en見面會的看法有其他的可以留言(選項不夠了)噗主我本人是不去就等吃瓜 同時好奇會去的人是期待還是也會吃瓜 cwt虹en見面會 不去就等著吃瓜 會去 想去去不了 攤主,覺得很好 攤主,覺得很危 不去就等著吃瓜 720 86% 會去 54 6% 想去去不了 38 5% 攤主,覺得很好 6 1% 攤主,覺得很危 24 3% Login to vote Edit vote 44 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses No responses - be the first :) Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks