Sitting at a sports bat listening to two guys have the most excited conversation about gingerbread houses I'll probably ever hear in my life. pulled up pictures other phones excited. One works here the other picking up an order.
銀爆特龍龍(゚∀゚ )!!: 中文博大精深
Iedani_NINE: 四秒: 看到整個笑出來
👾笑點很低的洗廁所少女#449: 怎樣ww
RoyScotter: 可以可以 你也會嘛w
被教授催論文的怪: 要修幹嘛 真的很會
Iedani_NINE: 四秒: 看到整個笑出來
👾笑點很低的洗廁所少女#449: 怎樣ww
RoyScotter: 可以可以 你也會嘛w
被教授催論文的怪: 要修幹嘛 真的很會