身體好朋友 Last edited 2 years ago【112年2月預約開放 】從十月開始,Chris和黃玉一起去參加芳療培訓 這段時間沒有更新噗浪不是消失了,只是忙著更新技能 感謝所有關心我們的朋友們!由於工作室採全預約制,目前到明年1月的行程都是滿檔狀態。2月可預約預約請私噗,參考下面格式:你好,我想要預約姓名:OOO電話:OOOOOOOOOO時段:00/00,00:00預約項目:(抽精油/芳療按摩/抽精油+芳療按摩/ 塔羅占卜)#噗浪友好店家 #身體好朋友 #擴散希望 8 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses ★ jovan ☆ Pusa-Cat!says oh no NKY ✅says In the same conversation, me: "yeah, I used LinkedIn to get rackets"> NKY ✅says Client: "ah, so you're not earning enough here". NKY ✅says Me and boss: awkward silenceClient: maniacal laughter MikeTien ★ jovan ☆ Pusa-Cat!says ... Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks