耶律蕭蕭🍁閉關中 Nov 25, 2022 06:10PM 不管愧是電影人,走主線時真的很用心 選歌、MV製作都超級精緻,一點也不馬虎,若說前世是一場無力抵抗的悲劇,那這首歌似也象徵著他在這個現世重獲新生。“His fire had gone out.”“And the peak of his castle was blanketed in shadow,”【DEBUT STREAM】BACK FROM THE DEAD【NIJISANJI EN | Vox ...”Remember who sparked the fire, like the sun.“”And I know you won't remember memories in ember,Lighting up New Cydonia in my mind,“New Cydonia - Vox Akuma Cover