[LEGO] 本學期上課新構想開始推進

» [基礎學習] 正常按鍵功能程式設計:布林開關
» [主題學習] 練習組裝機械手臂部件「旋轉台」
» [SPM升級] 組裝【掃街車】
- 觀摩老師的簡報(本週作業參考)
- 學習"Brick Programming"

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It's driving me nuts
It deleted your last one and I was like OH NO THE FBI GOT TASHA
Pft no Plurk got Tasha
It's been doing it to me off and on. I've also seen some other peoples' get deleted
Or like
Saying that it has new comments when it doesn't forever
Yes. It has really been eating yours though XD
It has. I think it may also be my internet.
Which has been...
Just great.
8I [beats it for you]
Yes if that doesn't fix it I don't know what will
More beatings, obviously
Until moral improves
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