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There are others, in the shop I could get but...
For now I'm just clearing what I have
Don't do what I did: look at star coins and go "oh I have a lot. Time to spend them all on recipes"
Not including the other stuff like evolution and customization
i'm... at the point that the only thing i spend star coins on is dyes because i have like 42k star coins lmao
i never want to use dias for crafting though because ffffuck that
I use my free ones for crating but yeah
I've got a lot of star coins
Maybe only 4k atm but I never use them unless I get dye or something
I've also managed to push through story a bit more but
I hate when you're blocked by "oh youve gotta craft this set here"
it gets more irritating every chapter
God I've fucking noticed
like, the opening chapters weren't bad since they're all freebies from Maiden levels, but the princess shit makes me mad lmao
It takes so long for princess shit
i've been working on the new lifetime suit for so long and one of the older ones for even longer if i want recolours. Star Sea and Grice didn't even take this long lmfao.
Shining Nikki isn't... as bad, you at least get more tries than 3.
But if there's something I'd like to bitch about more than anything
i try to forget about it so when i go back to look like "oh it's been like 8 months since i last looked" i have enough for the rest of like, 2 suits
I like shining Nikki but I barely have enough attention to keep up on love nikki
I love how they add lifetime ones that take forever to get to because you don't have access to it
I'm just now able to get the puppet marionette one and I've had that for A LONG TIME
I haven't had the stages needed to do it
And that's going to take forever because they're all princess, evolution and customization ones.....
yeah all the lifetimes are just Like That, though i think Stunning Beauty uses dias too. the rest really don't. once you're through the stages you can start pre-farming which helps some. i did that for Tulans and Shimmer but before that is suffering lol
It's just when it takes forever to get princess stuff as is and then you need a bunch to make one epic to customize
More if you actually want to own one as well as do it for the piece
I still can't do the cleopatra one anytime soon
The tulia one I think?
i know the subreddit has some prefarm googledocs which are pretty helpful, that's how i did prefarming for Tulans and Shimmer (the newest one). i didn't know about them prior
the Star Sea recolour that we... should hopefully get soon has a prefarm gdoc up it looks like
but they're separate recipes than the original Star Sea and you don't recolour the originals so that's weird, but okay then Paper
I'm not going to worry about prefarming when I have a lot to do yet
I do love the star sea though
I have a star sea mod on 14 and it's super pretty it took it off because I've been leaning away from gear mods
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